Finance Management2021-04-13T18:40:46+00:00
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Assess, Govern &
Automate Your
Finance Strategies

Assess, Govern & Automate Your Finance Strategies

Simplify the Complex.
Improve Your Financial
Risk Appetite.

CommodityPro assists in managing counterparty and credit exposure across all trading operations, consequently controlling financial risks better. Utilize the risk management software to calculate the account payables and receivables for import/export and avoid latency in actually paying and receiving the foreign exchange amount.
Limit the negative impact of fluctuations in currency movements along with various other currency exchange restrictions and tightening bank requirements. Manage your P&L and liquidity risks efficiently.
Equip your finance and treasury teams with a comprehensive risk management software that can simplify managing debtors, working capitals, and other financial functions. CommodityPro can help you tackle complexities of today’s counterparty credit risks, enabling you to confidently trade high volume in a competitive market.

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Key Features

  • Forecasting Cash and Liquidity Management
  • Insurance Risk Management
  • Working Capital Management
  • Foreign Exchange Risk Exposure
  • Counterparty Risk Management
  • Financial Report Generation
  • Multiple Fund Payment for Counterparties
  • Automatic Allocation of Invoice
  • Interest Rate Risk Management
  • Manage your Travel Expenses
  • Employee Claims and Reimbursements
  • Bank Reconciliation Statements

Safeguarding Revenues
with Optimal
Financial Management

With the use of CommodityPro, you can develop internal credit ratings for counterparties, manage credit limits, and establish consistent management reporting of the credit risk portfolios.

Get the complete picture of your financial positions and risk exposure, and implement risk management protocols for all your commodities using a single risk management software.

Safeguarding Revenues
with Optimal
Financial Management

With the use of CommodityPro, you can develop internal credit ratings for counterparties, manage credit limits, and establish consistent management reporting of the credit risk portfolios.

Get the complete picture of your financial positions and risk exposure, and implement risk management protocols for all your commodities using a single risk management software.

Gain a Financial Edge – Stay
Ahead of the Curve

  • Monitor all financial transactions
  • Compliance with accounting standards
  • Live financial reporting
  • Robust risk operating model
  • Impact assessment on foreign currency fluctuations
  • Third party application integration
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